Monday 14 October 2013

Week 5

On Monday we had a birthday party at Injabulo for Nelsiwe's (one of the teachers) niece Ellenah. All the kids didn't seem very happy that she was getting all the attention but they got cake and sweets so I think that made up for it! Ellenah loved it though and we took a lot of photos.

We helped Aunty Vinah collect water at soup kitchen from a river which she normally does by foot and with a wheelbarrow. It was really fun and it also really gave us an insight into how the people in this community live. Aunty Vinah was as usual full of jokes.

That night the hostel had a Matrics Leaving Dinner to say goodbye to the last year which was mental and such a good laugh. At the end everyone was dancing but they dance quite differently than back home so we probably looked like complete idiots. It made it pretty entertaining though. I wish I could dance like them haha. I've decided I'm going to learn.
Me and some of the Aunties at Hostel <3

Me and Rachael

We have now set up a Swazi bank account which took about 2 hours but there was good banter there so it was alright. Soup Kitchen on Friday was really enjoyable. Helped Aunty Vinah collect water again from the river while Rachael stayed at soup kitchen to serve the food because we wouldn't of had enough time to do both. Started a water fight with one of the kids haha and also got Aunty Vinah to promise me to teach me Siswati songs and how to cook on an open fire. We had a power cut friday night for a couple of hours so I had to shower in the dark and try find my way around my room. Thankfully it came back on though before we had to go to bed. Nothing else really happened that night except a massive bug thing flew on my face and didn't come off until I properly flicked it. I was freaking out it was like the size of my face!

On Saturday we went to Mantenga Nature Reserve for the day. It was beautiful! We decided to go up north somewhere because in Big Bend it gets VERY hot and it's colder up where Mantenga is. However it just so happened that it was a record temperature of 40 degrees celsius. Still it was definitely hotter in Big Bend so at least it was a little cooler... There was a cultural village nearby which was pretty cool and we saw traditional dances which was amazing to see. We also got our fortunes told by the witch doctor there which was unreal. It was definitely an experience! Quite close to the village were the Mantenga Falls. It was like paradise. We went swimming in the river right  next to the waterfalls and it was heaven. I am definitely going back there. The water was quite cold as well so it cooled us down quite nicely. When we arrived at the falls there was music and it looked like they were filming some people singing. We thought it might be for an advert or something but I later asked and they were apparently filming a music video for the number one gospel choir in South Africa!

When we eventually got back to the hostel, a lot later than we had thought, we went straight to the swimming pool because they were having a pool party for the matrix (last year of school). It was a good way to get to know people better and a lot of pictures were taken. We got out when it was getting pretty cold and went inside. We then spontaneously decided to go to the country club with one of the teachers because he was on his way. There were a few of the other teachers there and we had a few drinks and danced a bit then went home. Overall it was a really good day and night!

Recently the kids at Injabulo go mental over suncream! The other day I had to put some on and they were all laughing at me haha. There were only 2 children at this point and I chased them around trying to put suncream on them. Then more of the children came in the classroom so then I had a plan. I told one of the kids to close the door so I didn't have to face 80 children, then I told them to stand in a line and then I put suncream on their faces like army paint. It was the cutest thing! A couple of days after that I took out the suncream from my bag not even thinking and they all came running wanting it on their faces again and they were all shouting 'teacher! teacher!' and trying to get to me. It was hectic so I was like 'Okay Okay stand in a line!' Then I pretended that I was going to put the suncream into my hand then I ran away and they all started chasing me. Was so funny. Nothing else is really happening or happened except that I think I'm putting on weight from all the jam and peanut butter sandwiches I eat that are leftover from when we make the kids their lunch haha. Ah well.

Kids chasing me, love them to bits

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